The Public Works Department maintains water and sewer facilities for Alleghany County. Limited areas of the County are served by public water and sewer.
Questions regarding your bill, consumption, or account may be directed to the Utility Billing Manager at (540) 863-6650, 9212 Winterberry Avenue, Suite A, Covington, VA 24426, or at .
Online Payment:
- Credit/Debit or E-check (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express)
- Water & Sewer Utility: Account number (9 digits)
- A convenience fee will apply.
Pay By Phone Instructions:
- Call 1-833-303-6687
- Water & Sewer Utility: Account number (9 digits)
- A convenience fee will apply.
In the Office:
Payments are accepted by check, money order, cash, or debit/credit card (a convenience fee will apply).
Drop Box:
Payments are accepted by check or money order with account number, please no cash. Payments will be posted the next business day.
Online bill pay (online banking) through your financial institution (please allow sufficient amount of time to ensure your payment is received by the due date).
Some customers may still have difficulty paying their water utility bills. If so, please contact the Alleghany County Public Works at (540) 863-6650 to speak with a representative to discuss options to avoid disconnection. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
Name and/or Address Change Form: To change your name and/or address, please fill out the following form.
New Water and Sewer Accounts: To set up a new account, an application must be completed and the appropriate fees paid. For structures served by both public water and sewer, a deposit is required.
New accounts can be activated (water turned on) the same day as long as the account is set up by 2:00 p.m.
Forms may be requested by contacting the phone number above.
Discontinue Service: To discontinue or close a water and/or sewer account, a form must be completed, signed and returned to the Public Works Department.
Discontinuance of Service Application
Reconnection of Service: To have service reconnected, the following form must be completed, signed, and returned to the Public Works Department with a $50.00 reconnect fee.
Water and Sewer Billing and Account Information: Utility bills are generated by the Public Works Department monthly. Accounts are billed the minimum rate one month in advance. Billing rates are as follows:
– Water – $50.00 per month up to 5,000 gallons. Overage Rate is $11.00 per thousand gallons (over 5,000 gallons)
– Sewer – $50.00 per month up to 5,000 gallons (based on water consumption). Overage Rate is $12.50 per thousand gallons (over 5,000 gallons)
– Sewer Only – $65.00 per month.
Adjustments to Bills: An adjustment can be made to a customer’s bill no more than once a year for leaks. The leak must be repaired and copies of receipts submitted to Public Works to receive an adjustment. Please note that adjustments can not be given for all leaks. Please contact Public Works to verify adjustment availability. A three-month average of normal consumption will be used as the basis for making the adjustment.
New Water and/or Sewer Connection/Tap: To make a request for a new connection (tap) on the County water or sewer system, an application must be completed and connection fee(s) paid. It is advised that you contact the Public Works Department to make arrangements for a County employee to come to the site to assure that a connection can be made to the County water or sewer system. Any extension to the existing lines to make the connection will be at the expense of the applicant in addition to the connection fee.
Service Areas: Public water and sewer is provided in the County in limited areas. Individuals are encouraged to contact the Public Works Department to acquire more specific details as to where services are provided. The general areas where the County provides services are as shown in the following chart:
Service Area | Water | Sewer |
Callaghan | Yes | No |
Cherokee/Indian Valley | Yes | Yes |
Clearwater Park/Clearview | Yes | Yes |
Cliftondale Park | Yes | Yes |
Dolly Ann | Yes | Yes |
Intervale | Yes | Yes |
Low Moor | Yes | Yes |
Mallow/Jackson Heights/Brentwood | Yes | Yes |
Pinehurst/Wrightsville | Yes | Yes |
Rosedale/Oakwood Forest | Yes | Yes |
Selma | Yes | Yes |
Sharon/Triangle Hill | Yes | No |
Valley Ridge | Yes | Yes |
Wesgate | Yes | Yes |
Westwood | Yes | Yes |
Wilson Creek/Douthat Rd | Yes | Yes |
Swimming Pools: For individuals filling swimming pools through their water meter, an adjustment will be made to your bill for the fill up of a newly constructed swimming pool. An adjustment to the sewer use will be made for a fill-up on a swimming pool. A customer is limited to one adjustment per year unless documentary proof is provided that any additional adjustment is requested as a result of a repair to the swimming pool. Individuals or Fire Departments filling swimming pools through a fire hydrant are required to fill out a form for fire hydrant use and pay for the cost of the water to be used prior to using the hydrant. Proper notice shall be given to the Public Works Department before filling the pool.
Fire Hydrant Use: Individuals or Fire Departments wanting to utilize a fire hydrant for the purpose of filling pools, water containers, etc., are required to fill out a form requesting use of the hydrant and pay the costs of the water being used prior to using the hydrant.
Water and Sewer Ordinance: Procedures followed by the Public Works Department regarding water and sewer issues are addressed in further detail in Chapter 62-Water and Sewer, of The Code of the County of Alleghany, Virginia. Appeals of interpretations of the water and sewer regulations can be made to the Water and Sewer Commission.