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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

If a citizen wishes to request a public record, the request should be processed through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  The following is a document regarding the rights of requesters and the responsibilities of Alleghany County under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act:

Rights & Responsibilities

Individuals wishing to make a request under FOIA must make the request through the FOIA Officer.  The following is a list of FOIA Officers for various departments with their contact information:


Melissa A. Munsey (Board of Supervisors, County Administration, Public Works Department, Parks and Recreation Department, Accounting Office, Industrial Development Authority)
9212 Winterberry Avenue, Suite C
Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 863-6600
Teresa Brown (Treasurer’s Office)
9212 Winterberry Avenue, Suite F
Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 863-6630

Sheila Selleck (Commissioner of the Revenue Office)
9212 Winterberry Avenue, Suite E
Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 863-6640

Tammy Wilson (Social Services Department)
110 Rosedale Avenue
Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 444-7100

Debra Byer (Circuit Court Clerk)
P.O. Box 670
266 W. Main Street
Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 965-1730

Ann Gardner (Commonwealth Attorney Office)
266 W. Main Street
Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 965-1740
Kyle Moore (Sheriff’s Office/Jail)
268 W. Main Street
Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 965-1770
Tiney Rose/Jack Canon (Registrar Office/Electoral Board)
110 Rosedale Avenue
Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 965-1690
Tyler Sizemore (Alleghany Highlands Economic Development Corporation)
9212 Winterberry Avenue, Suite C
Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 862-0936
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