Regular meetings of the Alleghany County Board of Supervisors are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Alleghany County Governmental Complex at 9212 Winterberry Avenue, Covington, VA 24426. Any Regular Meeting that falls on Election Day in November shall be held on the following day (Wednesday).
The Deputy Clerk to the Board (Melissa Munsey) is responsible for the preparation of the agenda and any other correspondence related to the Board. You can reach Mrs. Munsey by phone Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. at (540) 863-6600, by mail at 9212 Winterberry Avenue, Covington, VA 24426, or by e-mail at . The agenda shall be finalized by noon on the Tuesday a week prior to any Board meeting.
Persons wanting a topic placed on the agenda shall make the request to the County Administrator or Deputy Clerk to the Board. Individuals may also appear under the Public Comment section of the agenda at any time as long as they understand the limitations of that appearance (i.e., Public Comment Guidelines). To be placed on the agenda, the request must be made before noon on the Tuesday a week prior to any regular meeting.
Agendas for the Board of Supervisors meetings are listed below. A full copy of the agenda packet for the current meeting is available for public inspection in the County Administrator’s Office. Anyone with questions, should contact the Deputy Clerk.
The next meeting agenda will be added the Friday prior to the Board meeting, but no later than the day before.
2024 and 2025 Agendas
Receiving Board Meeting Agendas
Individuals wishing to receive copies of the Board agendas may send their written request to the Deputy Clerk to the Board by mail at 9212 Winterberry Avenue, Covington, VA 24426 or by e-mail at . Copies of attachments to the agenda are available for a cost of $0.25 per copy. Please give your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address and indicate whether you want to receive the agenda by mail or e-mail. Your request to receive agendas is valid for one year and individuals are responsible for renewing their requests annually (per the Code of Virginia).
Public Comments at the Board Meeting
Citizens wanting to speak at the Board meeting have several opportunities:
* Name on Agenda with Topic – Persons wanting a topic placed on the agenda shall make the request to the County Administrator or Deputy Clerk to the Board. The County Administrator will then report to the Chairman on the request. The request must be made before noon on the Tuesday prior to any regular meeting.
* Public Comment Periods – There is a public comment section near the beginning of each agenda that allows individuals a maximum of five minutes to speak. Sign up at the Board meeting on the sheet next to the door if you would like to speak during the Public Comment period. Guidelines are available at the door for your information.
* Public Hearing Comments – The public can speak on the topic of a public hearing that is on the agenda at the time of the public hearing and do not need to be placed on the agenda for this reason.
When Speaking at a Board Meeting
Individuals speaking at a Board meeting should come up to the podium and state their name and address. Any written statements or petitions should be presented to the Deputy Clerk for inclusion into the record.