Alleghany County is governed by a seven-member Board of Supervisors and operates under the Traditional Form of government. The County is divided into seven magisterial districts and each supervisor is elected by and represents a magisterial district of approximately 2,460 citizens. The magisterial districts are Boiling Springs, Clifton Forge East, Clifton Forge West, Covington, Falling Spring, Jackson River, and Sharon. Click here to view the Magisterial Districts Map. The four-year terms of the Board members are staggered with four members elected at one time and three elected two years later.
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board are chosen each year by the other Board members at an organizational meeting in January.
The Board approves the policies that govern the operation of the County and is responsible for adoption of the budget, adoption of the Capital Improvement Plan, setting the tax rates, and appropriating funds. The Board appoints a County Administrator who carries out the policies adopted by the Board.
The Board of Supervisors also appoints County citizens to serve on boards/commissions (i.e. Board of Zoning Appeals, Water and Sewer Commission, Planning Commission, etc.). Click on this link to view boards/commissions.