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Trash Collection Update: Thursday Routes and Snow/Ice Delays

Today, we will be collecting trash along the regular Thursday routes. To address the backlog from missed days, we have deployed additional staff and trucks to help catch up. However, in areas where snow and ice have not yet been cleared from alleys, we may not be able to safely collect trash until conditions improve.We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resume normal operations. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 540-863-6650. ... See MoreSee Less

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So when will Tuesday’s route be picked up? Specially, 687 / natural well area

My brother called to find out when our trash would be picked up and they told him they would call him back. They did and it is being picked up this afternoon in Jackson Heights and Brentwood area. Good job! 👏

Didn't put our trash out on douthat road because I wasn't sure when they were coming. Is there an updated schedule? Snow projected again next week so don't want to miss them

Sandy Wiseman